Tuesday 19 June 2012

Studies - Part 2

Source: Homes and Gardens July 2012
Walls in F+B Folly Green

I work from home so am always on the look out for study inspiration. Our study used to be our bedroom so it has an ensuite which is handy. I'm so easily distracted though I wonder if I shouldn't just be in a small room with nothing apart from a chair desk and computer - yet my creative side cries out for visual input. In an ideal world I'd have my own room/den - dream on.....

Garden Rooms

Source: Country Living Magazine April 2012
Walls F+B Wimborne White and Churlish Green

 Source: Homes and Gardens Magazine July 2012

I'd love a garden room but it's not possible at my current home - we're on a terrace so the front of the house is too near the road and the back is half a storey below ground - I suppose next best thing could be a summerhouse? Hmmmm there's an idea.

If I did have a garden room, I love the colours and styling of the top photo.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

All gardens should be like this

They should be sunny places with a tree (complete with holes for things to live in) and also a range of happy and perplexed looking flowers.